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Monday, 4 July 2011

Magpie Monday

I am joining in with one of my favourite blog hops again. The wonderful Magpie Monday where we celebrate bargains.

It is Agricultural and Country Show season. Yesterday, we attended our local show as Very Important Persons. What this actually meant was that we paid extra for our tickets but ended up saving a small fortune as all our food and drink was included. We also had a dedicated marquee to relax in and a little champers too.

I had purposely stayed away from the charity shop on Saturday knowing there would be bargains to be had at the show.

I actively sought out the charity and community stalls. My local charity shop had a stall where the children won every time and could select a soft toy of their choice. My little girl chose a penguin whereas my little boy chose a dragon.

I approached what looked like a tombola stall but you could choose whether to pay £1 or £2 for the tickets. The £2 side of the stall had the better prizes so I went for those. I was a bit confused as it was not the usual "must end in a nought or a five to win". It turned out that you got a prize every day. I walked off with a tin of Fox's Biscuits and a very clever thing that I am sure I will make use of on my weekends away now that I am actually released from domestic drudgery every 4 months of so.

It is compact but can be hung up and has lots of dinky compartments for all manner of toiletries and the like.

I was disappointed that when I enquired at the dog sanctuary stall about regular giving that they struggled to give me an answer. Surely if you are going to have a stall you need to be ready for questions like that.

As we passed a Pre-School Fundraising Stall at the end of the afternoon, we were told there were only 5 minutes left to buy raffle tickets. Well, I remembered that my old Jobcentre trainees used to tell me "You have to be in it to win it" so we got some tickets.

We stuck around to find out if we had won and got the second prize. It was a great bargain for a £1 investment.

Charity-shop wise this week, I am focussing on having a huge clear out and am boxing and bagging up all manner of things. I may go for the minimalist look. What do you think?


  1. Minimalist. What's that? LOL

    Sounds like a great day out. Can just imagine you lording it up in the VIP marquee :0)

    Thanks for linking x

  2. Oh that was a bargain! I have one of those toiletry rolls, they are worth their weight in gold. Scoured the shops to find a new one when my last trusty one finally fell apart.
    As to minimalism, naaaah! Happy pretty things make you smile better than any spaces that fill up with dust :)
    Fran x

  3. Congratulations on winning the second prize in the raffle, I am so curious now to know what you won? Love the soft penguin, my children love soft toys!
