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Monday, 16 May 2011

Little Magpies - Magpie Monday

I started bargain hunting after visiting charity shops, antique fairs and jumble sales with my late Mum.

I remember my first car boot sale when I was a teenager and the concept was still a new one in the United Kingdom. It was in Lewes at the Sainsbury's car park and I could not believe the diversity of items and the affordability.

I have a confession to make. I think I may have created 3 little magpies of my own.

On Saturday with far too many twenty pround notes to play with, we visited my favourite charity shop. We were seriously undercharged and, despite us saying so more than once, the woman refused to charge us more. So we ended up with 17 toy cars, nine cross stitch kits and all manner of other stuff for just £12.

Encouraged by the finds regularly celebrated on the Magpie Monday blog hop, we spent Sunday morning at a village hall car boot sale. There were probably only around 15 stalls but whilst lacking in quantity, the quality of items for sale was superb.

Firstly, here are the things I did not buy and regretted not doing so later. A barbecue for £6, some pink canisters for tea/coffee/sugar, two really unusual and possibly home-made soft toys and lots of Disney type videos.

I did buy a pair of good quality walking boots for £2 and an oven glove for 50 pence. You can never have enough oven gloves and if I have the boots, I may actually do the walking.

Him Indoors seemed delighted with a £1 gadget for crushing cans. Whatever turns you on!

However, the children did best by far and here is just some of their booty. My daughter is horses mad so loved the load of horse-related plastic riders, fences and paraphenalia in a box for just 50 pence. My sons like Action Men (don't we all?!) and persuaded me to buy lots for £13 in total. They can always spot me when I am in "yes, ok then" mood. We also got lots of books of activities for children and nice story books too.

Here is one of the conversations.

"Mummy, can I have one of the Action Men toys?"

"You have not got the important information. How much are they?"

"How much are they please?"

"£3 for the large items and £1 for the dolls"

"Right, your budget is 50 pence and you are good at mathematics so work out what you can afford to buy".

"OK, I think that makes £10 in total and that means I am £9.50 in debt"

"Who said I am giving credit?" (said whilst handing over a ten pound note.

"Now, you do realise that because I am a very kind Mummy today, I want you to be a good boy all day long"

"Oh Mum, you always add terms and conditions after the event" (said whilst bagging up his swag).

I have taught my little ones this bargain hunting lark far too well methinks.

So what does a grown-up Magpie do in such circumstances. Why, buy a bag to put it all in of course for £2.

Now, go forth and check out my other lovely Magpies and their finds.

Me and My Shadow