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Thursday, 2 April 2009

Having a go

I do believe I may be getting my motivation back to the way it used to be many moons ago. I want to write. I cannot remember a time when I didn't. I love playing with words and the power that they have to inform, to inspire, to amuse and to move. At Christmas, I had a lovely conversation with Mum and Dad about my ambitions regarding writing. Mum said, "Well you always said you would. Get on with it, even if you just start keeping a diary". Dad commented that the title for his unwritten book was always "My Father Wears Clogs". Then whilst watching This Morning on the telly, I became aware of the world of Twitter. One of my new followers contacted me saying I had real talent. Now, after bullying in the workplace and post-natal depression and just not being the most natural stay at home mother, this was news to me. Ignore her - she is a mad woman. She would not leave me alone, encouraging me to blog and this blog happened absolutely because of this angel masquerading as a Tweeter.
This blog was not intended to make people cry. I wanted to make readers laugh at my chaos and my musings on the insanity of the world today. Life took over and a phone call from my Mum changed the blog along with many other things.
However, it also acted as a catalyst for my writing. If I don't do it now, when? However long Mum's final journey is, my writing will be my tribute to her. Dad will never write his book but I can.
Yesterday, I received positive comments from the well-known and fabulous novelist Katie Fforde. She is encouraging me to join a writers' association and why not? I think the sensible thing to do is to say I am a writer and let life catch up with that. I look at my bio on Twitter where not knowing what would happen, I call myself a writer. I will see it when I believe it. I am starting to have faith.
So, dear reader, please go for your dreams too. It is a cliche but life really is too short not to go for gold


  1. Congrats on getting started - often that is the hardest step then comes the consistency ( I struggle with that) Writing will be come a part of your being and you won't be able to go one day without writing something somewhere.

    I praise you on your determination - don't loose it. I always say " if you don't write your story someone else will" and you don't want someone else writing your story.

    Keep on Keeping on! and best wishes to you.

    there is a great group called the writers croft on line - i found them through Oriah Mountain Dreamer - do a little google search and I know you will find them.


  2. You definitly have great writing skills that keeps people reading. Also life is to short to just sit on our butts and not go for the dreams we have.

    Just stay true to yourself, let your character be the same when you write and be you.

    Pardon my horrible skills of writing haha...
    :) I don't like saying "good luck" but ENJOY

  3. Yay Katie :-) Great post. What are you going to write? If it's a print book I promise to be first in line to buy it.

  4. You've gotta do what you've gotta do!

    Ditto to above comments.

    You know life is to short, we take it for granted until it gets rocked. Let your rocky moments inspire you x

  5. You write with such depth,truly heart warming, it's not often I feel such emotion when reading, may I recommend a book "writing the bones" I think, if I'm wrong let me know & I'll dig it out, very inspiring book on writing because I want to read more of what you write! Take care of yourself x
